Sunday, April 20, 2008

Vicki's Digital Citizenship Links of the Day 04/21/2008

  • Considering the posting of photos and what should be shared is something all teenagers should consider. This is a blog post from a teenager on the digiteen project about the difficulty lawmakers have in prosecuting "digital blackmail" cases. Certainly harm was done, but legislation has not been passed protecting photographs posted on one's Facebook page and shared with friends. This is hard for students to understand but is an important case study to read about.

    Certainly having teenagers research and report their findings is a great way to help them understand the implications of what they are doing.

    tags: digital_law, ad4dcss, case_studies

  • We're starting a video contest -- nominate the videos that you think best advocate digital citizenship, safety or success in schools. We plan to have some surveys in the future to let you vote.

    tags: ad4dcss, education, video

  • Encyclopedia Britannica is now free for bloggers from an article on 4/18/08 -- yet another reason for our students to blog. (I have students blogging publicly under pseudonyms.)

    This is fascinating, but also interesting to see how Britannica is playing catch up to Wikipedia in the market it once owned. I wonder, which would be more authoriative to you, a wikipedia quote updated daily, or Brittanica updated less often that doesn't display the authors of its content?

    tags: digital_access, blocked_blogs, education, ad4dcss, edublogger, edublog, digitalcitizenship

  • Incredible wiki page about online surveys and forms. I highly recommend that we begin to have our students conduct surveys as part of authentic research. This is an excellent page about this topic. (The rest of the wiki is nice as well.)

    tags: hz08, collectiveintelligence, bestpractices, edu_trends, digital_literacy, ad4dcss

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